Monday 23 May 2011

You may start wonderfully, going off like a rocket, and then grind to a halt.

Breathe out in stages, with a short pause between each one - use two, three or four stages. YES/NO Is the danger really big enough to matter? Anger gives us energy, and you can use that energy to drive yourself through a difficult exposure session. I began walking round the car park, then gradually built up over 6 months until I could go into town. Athletes, singers and actors use breath control to improve their performance. If they are afraid of other people, they need to practise being with other people. I tried visualising myself playing the tape and being calm, but for once this didnt work for me. Is there really any risk of danger? Very often these beliefs are so deeply ingrained that were not aware of them, or if we are, they feel like universal truths. The final stage, where you push your stomach out as you breathe in, is actually using your diaphragm, a strong muscle that sits underneath your lungs. You may find that one person has a soothing presence and you enjoy their company, while another is helpful in a practical way. Over-generalising This means that you assume that one bad experience will always lead to others - this is how a phobia develops, when after one bad time in a certain situation you assume that the same thing will always hap every time in the future. Breathe quietly, and focus on the word relax. For each one, write a brief statement that will give you support. Avoidance This usually follows on from escape. The great original affirmation is every day in every way I am growing better and better. It can feel pretty silly to look in the mirror and repeat this sort of thing, but all we can say is, it does work, so do it. This builds up more Anxiety, making for another bad night, and so on. You may feel many of the symptoms of a panic attack but without the climactic rush of panic. If you persist, eventually they wont even start.

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