Wednesday 27 July 2011

Picture your favourite scene from a visualisation recording.

It was an extraordinary switch from complete confidence to imding panic . Many forms of exercise are taken outdoors, in the fresh air and in natural surroundings, and there is some evidence that this is good for our mental health (but see below for exercise tips for housebound people). If someone I knew had this thought, what would I say to them? More about breathing Now you can learn a little more about breathing. Anxiety makes you tense, and tension make you breathe in a shallow, fast way, using only the top half of your chest. Youll acquire a set of simple tools that will help you to feel better, more in control of your life and more confident. Finish by pushing your stomach up a little to push out the last of the stale air. Complex emotions Complex emotions are longer lasting and linked with your thought processes. However severely restricted you are, starting from where you are now, you can make improvements in your situation. Now clench your stomach muscles tightly. A relaxation tape or CD - organize this now, before you start work, so that you have it to hand when you need it. This includes everyday functions such as attending class, going out to dinner at a restaurant, or even going to work. First and foremost, you MUST realize this Anxiety attack for what it is when you are having one. They are also conditioned by your past experiences, especially as you were growing up - your family, your community, your wider culture all have a part to play. If thats you, then you have an extra level of challenge, but remember, theres plenty of things you can do that are nothing like school games. If your doctor is not experienced in tranquilliser withdrawal, then ask for a referral to someone who is. ABOUT EXPOSURE The thing that helped me the most was taking the time to visualise the exposure before I did it. Are you resisting recovery? Being dedant on other people to manage your life and your Anxiety also affects your self-confidence. Natural environment type (those involving physical situations or natural phenomena, e.g.

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